Manual Fold-Down Bollard – Built in lock

$200.00 + GST

Our Manual Fold-Down Bollard has height, it has width and it has authority! If you’re looking to make your bollard stand out to keep those pesky car park pinchers away, this is the one for you. It’s not your everyday pole bollard, with its’ unique rectangular shape, it is not only tall, but wider than your standard pole.

Raised Height: 800mm

Raised Width: 150mm

Raised Depth: Bollard 50mm / Base 200mm

Lowered Height: 80mm

Lowered Width: 150mm

Lowered Depth: 900mm

Heavy Duty 1.5mm Thick Steel For Extra Strength & Durability

Weatherproof Double Layered Powder Coating On Arms To Ensure Colour Stands Out, And To Prevent Rust

Manual Fold-down Operation

Built-in Lock

Keyed Alike Locks Available

3 X Keys

1 X Reflective Vinyl Sticker

Weight 9 kg
Dimensions 80 × 15 × 5 cm

Heavy duty steel, Weatherproof powder coating, Built-in key lock – 2 keys, Keyed alike available

Bollard Dimensions

Raised – 800mm (h) x 150mm (w)
(Bollard/Base) – 50/200mm
Lowered – 80mm (h) x 150mm (w) x 900mm (d)

Installation Options

Installed in Melbourne, Installed outside of Melbourne, Supply Only